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Wi Fi Fon

Muito interessante a ideia de uma Wi Fi compartilhada ao redor do mundo. A grande parte dos Hotéis perceberam que ter internet gratuita no quarto é quase tão importante quanto ter uma cama decente, mesmo assim alguns hotéis insistem em terceirizar seu sistema de Wi Fi para empresas que cobram de 20 a 30 dólares para 24 horas de acesso a internet.
Qual a grande sacada?
E se o mundo todo compartilhar a sua Wi Fi de maneira a não comprometer a sua conexão, quase qualquer lugar urbano você está imerso em uma rede Wi Fi, vc toparia não pagar ou pagar cerca de 5 dólares por dia para ter acesso a 24 horas de banda larga.
Se você participar do compartilhamento na sua casa, você acessa gratuitamente, se não paga preços muuuito inferiores aos cobrados nos hotéis.
No Brasil ainda o sistema está engatinhando, mas em Lisboa pude ver centenas de acessos em toda a área urbana da cidade.
Vamos ver se isso pega ou foi apenas mais uma nova ideia que não deu certo.

16th International Congress on Oral Pathology and Medicine

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

We are delighted to welcome you to São Pedro-São Paulo State, Brazil to the 16th International Congress of the IAOP. This is traditionally the largest gathering of oral pathologists in the world and for the first time it is taking place in South America. The meeting is a joint congress with the 20th Brazilian Congress of Oral Medicine and Pathology. This meeting will furthermore be a satellite meeting with the International Academy of Oral Oncology. The objectives of the IAOP include the advancement of knowledge in all fields of oral pathology as well as the development and promotion of the practice of oral pathology. The scientific committee has worked hard to organize internationally renowned speakers to share their expertise with us through slide seminars, symposia and plenary lectures to ensure these objectives are met. Delegates are encouraged to present their own research in either poster or oral presentation to contribute to the educational experience. The abstracts will be published in Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology.

Young Investigators might apply for Travel Awards from the IAOP to provide them with an opportunity to present their work to a diverse international audience of their peers and international thought leaders in oral pathology and oral medicine.

Communication among individuals of all nations should be encouraged in pursuance of the IAOP objectives. The meeting will be held at the Hotel Fazenda Fonte Colina Verde, an excellent venue to ensure a unique experience for all delegates. It will provide the opportunity to strengthen old ties and form new friendships and professional collaborations. There will be a plenty of social and sport activities where Brazilian culture will be experienced.

We look forward to welcoming you to São Pedro-SP for an informative, pleasant and stimulating stay which will remain fresh in your minds for many years. 

Warmest regards,